רשימת הבלוגים שלי

יום רביעי, 10 באפריל 2013

מזעזע - הסוד השמור ביותר מתקופת השואה

4 תגובות:

  1. Everyone should read this book by Moshe Sheinfeld (and of course Min Hameitzer by Rav M B WEissmandl
    Link here for free download:

    The Hebrew edition:
    or here http://www.nakim.org/srufeihakivshan.pdf

    Holocaust Victims Accuse

    Chapter 1 — Three enemies of Judaism.
    Chapter 2 — How rescue was impeded by Nathan Schwalb and Yitzchak Greenbaum of the Jewish Agency.
    Chapter 3 — The crimes of Abba Kovner of Mapam and Chaim Weizmann.
    Chapter 4 — How our people starved because of Stephen Wise of the American Jewish Congress.
    Chapter 5 — Zionist betrayal resulting in tragic deaths on land and sea.
    Chapter 6 — The unique obstructionist role of Sali Mayer of the Joint Distribution Committee.
    Chapter 7 — What Henry Montor of the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist officials were doing while our people died.
    Chapter 8 — The Romanian Jews and thwarted rescue plans.
    Chapter 9 — The shameful role -of Mordecai Ehrenpreisz in Sweden.
    Chapter 10 — Fifth columnists in the ghettoes: Merin and Moldetsky.


    At a national conference of Tzirei Agudas Yisroel, which took place during the establishment of the “State of Israel,” the delegates came to one decision which aroused a furor even am factions of Agudas Yisroel, and “Hamodia” refused to publish it, as a matter of principle. The controversial resolution stated: “We declare that, at this time of the establishment of the state, our belief of the past remain the same: Zionism constitutes a danger, spiritual and physical, to the existence of our people.”

    Last year, a new printing of the book, “Yaldei Teheran Maashimim” (“The Teheran Children Accuse”), appeared. It was meant especially for Bnei Torah, and was distributed in yeshivos and kollelim. That frightening manuscript enumerates what the Zionist movement can do to the spirit of our people. The booklet which we are publishing here, “Serufay. Ha Kivshbnim Maashimim” (“The Holocaust Victims Accuse”), serves as an attempt to show, by means of testimonies., documents and reports, how Zionism and its high-level organizations brought a catastrophe upon our people during the era of the Nazi holocaust. If the Yaldei Teheran affair serves as an example of the Implications of, “greater is the (sins of) one who causes another to sin than the (sins of) one who kills another”, analagous to destroying the soul and leaving the body, then what the heads of the Zionist movement did to the European Jews during World War II cannot be defined except as the one who actually "does" the killing. “Serufay Ha Kivshonim Maashimim” is a collection of nine essays which were printed in “Digleinu” in the years 1961—64 under the heading, “Ani Maashim - Min HaMaitzar” (I Accuse - From the Depths”). The fruit of the pen of Reb. Moshe Shonfeld, it constitutes a continuation of the revelations of the gaon and tzaddik, Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandel, who devoted his life to saving his brothers, and endlessly alerted the Jewish world. But there was no one listening to him. Several paragraphs in corporated into the first nine essays and the last essay in its entirety are being published here for the first time

  2. Chapter 4 — How our people starved because of Stephen Wise of the American Jewish Congress

    You can now add on to this list Mr. Aron Kotler as of 'why our people died" as reported today on this blog by Shaulzohn.

  3. This video is a summary of the book: http://www.amazon.ca/Perfidy-Ben-Hecht/dp/0964688638

  4. לא חדש בכלל וגם לא סודי. זה פורסם כבר לפני הרבה שנים בספר "כחש" של בן הכט.
    העניין הוא שקסטנר כן הצליח להוציא כ-1600 יהודיםאבל הוא ממש מכר את נשמתו לשטן עבור היהודים הנ"ל שכללו גם את הסאטמר שהשאיר את כל חסידיו למות


שים לב: רק חברים בבלוג הזה יכולים לפרסם תגובה.